Week two: Waterfront United blog post
I’ve attached the blog post that just went up on the United Way Site.
It would be great if you could help circulate it in your workplaces, on your websites and on social media to help give profile to this final week of the campaign.
Employers and employees on the waterfront get it: by working together you can make real positive change.
Right now on Metro Vancouver’s waterfront, more than 6,000 people are having fun, learning about their communities, and committing their support to United Way through the Waterfront United initiative.
Waterfront United is a collaboration between employers and unions on the waterfront working together for the greater good. The initiative includes seven unions, 11 organizations and thousands of employees all working together to support children, families and seniors in our community.
To help get the word out about the initiative, CTV Vancouver News at Noon interviewed Sandra Case, Port Metro Vancouver VP of Human Resources and Labour Relations, and Walter Gerlach, Directing Business Representative, International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers – Northwest District 250.
Sandra Case, from Port Metro Vancouver, explains why they’ve come together to support United Way, “Waterfront United is a compilation of terminal operators, unions and employees, all of whom work on the waterfront to promote Canada’s trade and support our communities everyday. Similarly United Way works to support children, families and seniors in those same communities, to make a better life. So we are asking people to support United Way over the next two weeks during this campaign.”
Walter Gerlach, International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, adds, “Waterfront United was created out of the notion that what unites us is greater than what divides us. Collectively we’ve raised over $1.2 million for community over the last 2 years.”
With the generous support of Waterfront United, United Way is helping kids be all they can be, moving families from poverty to possibility and building strong communities for all.
“United Way is the second largest funder, next to government for social services across the country,” says Brenda Aynsley, VP of Resource Development, United Way of the Lower Mainland, “and it’s important to remember that dollars raised here, stay here.”
Watch the interview that aired on October 21 during the noon news program here.