July 7 – Press Release – ILWU welcomes international support for Sunday rally

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ILWU welcomes international support for Sunday rallyas workers seek negotiated contract

Vancouver, B.C. (July 7, 2023) – ILWU Canada will hold a rally at 11 a.m. Sunday July 9th at Vancouver’s Jack Poole Plaza. A large turnout of supporters is anticipated including strikers and local and international labour leaders with some from the U.S. and around the world who will echo the call for a negotiated contract settlement with the BC Maritime Employers Association (BCMEA).

ILWU International president Willie Adams will attend the rally which will press for a return to the bargaining table to achieve a fair and equitable settlement.

The International Transport Workers Federation, representing 740 affiliated trade unions with 18.5 million workers from 150 countries, has voiced its support for the ILWU’s quest for a contract that reflects the contributions its members make to the Canadian economy.

“BC shipping companies and terminals have made record profits during the pandemic as shipping costs have tripled through changes in the economy and buying habits,” says ILWU Canada president Rob Ashton.

The average cost of a 20-foot container soared from a post pandemic $2,300 to $23,000 with maritime shippers and terminals earning billions of dollars.

BCMEA member companies have refused to share financial information with the ILWU.

“Shipping costs increased more during the pandemic than they did in the past 60 years with workers being left out of the equation,” Ashton says.

Our members kept Canada’s economy moving during the pandemic when everyone else was told to stay home. All we are asking for is a small share of these profits so workers can continue to do this work with respect and dignity.”

He points out that the federal government did nothing to prevent damage to the Canadian economy done by a massive increase in shipping rates and it should not interfere with the collective bargaining process in any way.

“Our members are experiencing spiraling food bills, housing and interest rates. The money earned by our members is vital to the local economy as that money is returned to the communities in which they live,” he says. “We are asking the employer to return to the bargaining table with the intention of negotiating a reasonable settlement through mediated bargaining.”

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